U18 C2
2020-2021 Season Rep Coach Appointments
The Surrey Falcons are extremely proud to announce the following Rep coach appointments for the 2020-2021 season. Midget A – Riley Hanberg Riley grew up playing AAA hockey with South Delta Minor Hockey association. During this time he was an instructor at the South Delta Hockey school, was selected to the Canada Dry Midget…
Read MorePCAHA Fraser Valley “A” Midget Scholarship Tournament
PCAHA Fraser Valley “A” Midget Scholarship Tournament Midget A scholarship tournament team nominations deadline is December 15th. Please nominate eligible 3rd year midget players for this great event. More information can be found on the PCAHA website: https://pcaha.ca/scholartourn19/scholarshipTournaments.php
Read More2019 Evaluation Schedule & Evaluation Process
Surrey Falcons are pleased to announce our Evaluation Schedule for the 2019/2020 season, as well as our Evaluation Process. Groupings for each division will be available/posted shortly Bantam A Only All other teams – Phase 1 All other teams – Phase 2 Our evaluation process can be found here.
Read MoreSurrey Falcons “Rust Off” Camp – Filling Up Fast!!
REGISTRATION IS NOW OPEN!! Surrey Falcons are introducing a “Rust Off” Camp from August 19 thru August 23, 2019. Mon to Friday, 8:45am to 11:30am Surrey Sport & Leisure Center Price: $225.00 This camp is already 50% full and we will be offering it to other female players by June 15, 2019, so sign up…
Read MoreMidget Scholarships
As the season comes to an end, the SFHA would like to celebrate the accomplishments of our graduating Midget and Juvenile players. As such we are now accepting applications for two $500 Midget scholarships and one $500 Juvenile Scholarship. We encourage all eligible players to apply. The deadline for application is March 15, 2019. In…
Read MoreMidget C1 – C2 Player Placements
Midget C1 – C2 Player Placements Thank you to all Midget players for coming out and working hard. The following are team assignments for the Midget C 2017-18 Season. Have a great season! Midget C1 Amos-Schappert Anderson (G) Basi Beauchamp (G) Deptuck Kemble-Orzol Leung Lim Macedo Miller Myhre P. Dhaliwal Sandhu Smart Toews Turko Unger…
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